All About Growing Cucumbers

By Barbara Pleasant
Published on March 2, 2011
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Cucumber varieties come in different sizes, shapes, colors and even flavors. You’ll need to pick often, because cucumbers can double in size in just one day!
Cucumber varieties come in different sizes, shapes, colors and even flavors. You’ll need to pick often, because cucumbers can double in size in just one day!
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A bumper crop of cucumbers calls for mixing up a batch of crunchy dill pickles. 
A bumper crop of cucumbers calls for mixing up a batch of crunchy dill pickles. 

(For details on growing many other vegetables and fruits, visit our Crop at a Glance collection page.)

The crunch of fresh cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) has helped cool down summers for more than 3,000 years, and cucumbers were likely one of the first vegetables to be preserved by pickling. Growing cucumbers is easy in fertile, organically enriched soil. Productive and fast to mature, cucumbers are a rewarding crop for new and veteran gardeners.

Cucumber Types to Try

The size, shape, color and flavor of cucumber fruits differ by variety, but all grow best under warm conditions. Growing more than one type each year is the best way to extend your cucumber season and ensure more diverse uses in the kitchen.

  • American slicing cucumbers are the oblong, dark green cukes you see in su­permarkets. Varieties of this type have been bred for uniformity, productivity and strong disease resistance.
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