How to Increase Earthworm Population in Soil

I use no-till methods, compost, and cover crops, but my worms still went missing. Where did my worms go?

By Marissa Ames
Published on September 6, 2023
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by AdobeStock/Maryana

I’m no longer able to find an earthworm in my garden, whereas before, they were innumerable. What happened to them? Is there a method for how to increase earthworm population in soil?

Where Did My Earthworms Go?

Earthworms do hibernate, burrowing as much as 6 feet down to escape frozen soil, but if you’re digging in your garden, I’m going to assume it’s not frozen.

Many things can lead to earthworm decline, including ecological degradation, over-tillage, and overuse of chemical fertilizers. But this isn’t the case for most organic gardeners who practice no-till methods.

How often do you add compost? Earthworms are valuable for gardens specifically because they consume this organic material, and their digestive process frees up nutrients so they’re bioavailable to plants. Earthworms also turn the soil and help compost degrade faster so plants can use it sooner. Since you’re not doing anything to actively kill the earthworms, they may have left to find food somewhere else.

How to Increase Earthworm Population in Soil

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