GMO Labeling, Fall Greens, Winter Storage Vegetables, Yacon and Fresh Kimchi

Reader Contribution by Ira Wallace
Published on November 17, 2012
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It’s been only nine days since Prop 37 was defeated in California by dirty tricks and big money, but far from sounding the death knell for GMO labeling, our narrow loss has fired up our Movement like never before. Look for more info on the new battlegrounds in Washington and Vermont to come out soon. Be prepared to speak out and also put your money where your mouth is as the “food fight” of our times continues. In the meantime nurture your gardens and the growing local food movement.

Last night we had our first real killing frost. The beautiful bamboo trellis once covered with Purple Hyacinth beans is now a blackened mess. It still wasn’t cold enough to phase our Old Fashioned Vining petunias, still covered with perky lavender, pink and white flowers, or our Sugar Daddy peas. I don’t think the pea blossoms will have time to develop pods before temperatures drop below 22°F and take them out as well. Still not bad for November 14th, I have no complaints. Only yesterday we decided to give up covering our remaining pepper plants and do a final harvest to freeze, dry, and pickle. We’re especially excited about our naturally fermented pickled jalapenos. We are still harvesting broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, lettuce, and the more hardy greens from uncovered beds. This week we are planning to lay out the remaining row cover, put up the low tunnels and transplant from outside into any open areas in our hoophouse before it gets any colder.

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