Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden

Reader Contribution by Joshua Burman Thayer and Native Sun Gardens
Published on August 29, 2017
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Here in California, many of us know much more about the best restaurant in our neighborhood than we do about the best local garden.We know which cafe has the best coffee roast more than the ins-and-outs of good soil biology.Fortunately, there are some easy to follow steps to enhance your backyard soil, without breaking the bank.  In fact, there is a natural and beneficial soil amendment right under your nose!That’s right: Coffee grounds are a great natural food source for the soil.So, follow these simple steps and stop throwing away your spent coffee grounds.

1. Separate coffee grounds from your other compost.Also remove paper sleeve if possible.

2. Identify heavy feeders in your garden.Heavy feeders are plants that welcome regular nutrients. 

List of some Heavy Feeders:

Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, Avocado, Tomato, Squash, Pumpkin, Corn, Roses, Camelias, Magnolias, Azaleas

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