Sweet Violets: Edible Flowers, Medicinal Plants

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on March 1, 1984
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Illustration by the MOTHER EARTH NEWS staff
Sweet violets are edible flowers that can also be used for medicinal purposes. Find sweet violets in moist, shaded locations with deep, slightly sandy soil.

Sweet violets are edible flowers, these common plants can also can be used in medicinal ways.

Sweet Violet Recipes

Violet Leaf Infusion Recipe
Syrup of Sweet Violets Recipe

Sweet Violets: Edible Flowers, Medicinal Plants

Lately, more and more people have begun to understand just how limited, in both variety and nutritional value, our “modern” diets have become. This realization has sparked a new and widespread interest in the culinary and therapeutic uses of herbs — those plants which, although not well-known today, were honored “guests” on the dinner tables and in the medicine chests of our grandparents’ homes. In this regular feature, Herb Garden, we’ll examine the availability, cultivation and benefits of our “forgotten” vegetable foods, edible flowers and remedies — and, we hope, help prevent the loss of yet another bit of ancestral lore.

There is considerably more to the common sweet violet (Viola odorata) than meets the eye, although this hardy little perennial with exquisite flowers and broad, heart-shaped leaves is certainly attractive — be it in the woods or in a shaded garden. However, sweet violets have also been used through the ages in medicinal preparations, culinary concoctions, perfumes, dyes and cosmetics.

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