New Year's Revolution: Stop, But Don’t Just Smell the Roses!

Reader Contribution by Staff
Published on February 10, 2013
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Most of us live lives that are onerously hectic. Mine surely is. I whiz through life, scrambling from one task to another. At the end of the day, my day seems like a huge blur.

To slow down the pace of life, we’re often advised to “stop and smell the roses.” That, of course, is a figurative advice. There aren’t many rose bushes on our daily paths. When there are, by all means stop and smell them, or at least stop to appreciate the beauty of the lovely flowers.

Here’s something that helps me slow down the pace of life and live a fuller, more peaceful existence when roses or any other flower are absent from my path: I stop and listen to our fine feathered friends, the countless songbirds that grace our world.

Unsure of this advice? Not sure there is much bird song in your environs?

Stop and listen.

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