Inspiration From a Women’s Gathering

Reader Contribution by Crystal Stevens
Published on November 25, 2014
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Women have gathered since the dawn of humanity. For thousands and thousands of years, women have gathered throughout civilizations, ethnic groups and cultures around the world.

Women gather for specific purposes; women gather to share in the responsibility of the children of the village; women gather to sow seeds, women gather to harvest; women gather to cook and preserve food for their tribes; women gather to sing and dance and pray; women gather to make baskets, haul water, and to create beautiful functional art. Women today are busier than ever before. Villages have become sparse and women have become isolated in this modern world.  Women tend to lose sight of self care because we are the caregivers. When women gather, we renew the inner fire in our hearts, we brainstorm solutions to global problems, we connect to the earth in a profound and beautiful way. When women gather, they offer their hearts to the world. Women in my community have been gathering with the changing seasons, with the new moon, and with the equinox and solstice.

Women’s circles hold the space for releasing and renewing, for broadening perspectives and for dreaming big. They offer a safe, gentle and nurturing space to grow and evolve through personal struggles. Women’s circles honor Mother Earth, the elements, all life and the magnificence within all living things.

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