Country Lore: Refreshing Homemade Facial Masks

By Pamela Koontz
Published on July 1, 2009
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You might not have thought so, but mashing up an avocado and smearing it on your face makes for a good homemade facial mask.

Did you know you can make refreshing homemade facial masks from items found in your pantry and refrigerator? The benefits are threefold: saving money, sparing the environment exposure to more chemical-laden products, and using natural skin care!

Here are recipes for two of my favorite face masks:

Farmer’s Wife Face Mask

2 chilled egg whites
1/8 tsp cornstarch

Whip the egg whites until they form peaks, then slowly add the cornstarch. Apply the mixture immediately to your face, leaving it on for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

Glorious Green Facial Mask

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