Home Remedies and Health Tips

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on January 1, 1983
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Illustration by Fotolia/Gennadiy Poznyakov
For the most part, our readers' home remedies and health tips don't involve pills — unless you need help swallowing them.

Of course, no sanctioned medical authority has verified the claims made here, and we’re not representing them as such. But nothing here violates the Hippocratic Oath either (“First, do no harm”). And who knows, maybe one or another might even do you some good.

Garlic Wrap

An Osprey, Florida reader has submitted one of the more unusual home remedies we’ve heard. Nevertheless, she claims that it’ll provide relief for colds, fever, infections, or inflammations. Before retiring in the evening, Olive Lammon wraps her feet once with lightweight cloth, then places cut pieces of fresh garlic over her soles and wraps the cloth around one more time. Olive then puts socks over the “bandages” and sleeps that way through the night. In the morning she removes socks, cloth, and garlic and allows her feet to “breathe.” The Sunshine Stater claims that the garlic actually “draws” sickness and poison from the body.

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