Garlic (allium sativum) is packed full of health-promoting power. It’s famous for being one of our most powerful natural health allies. It can be used in poultices and teas or in direct applications. Or you can enjoy more of it in all your favorite foods. In fact, nearly everyone would benefit from a generous boost of garlic in the daily diet, because it…
- is a potent antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and immune-boosting herb
- can be used to treat wounds, infections and sties
- improves circulation
- treats ulcers
attacks cold germs and flu viruses
prevents and treats respiratory and throat problems, such as chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis and pneumocystis pneumonia
alleviates allergy symptoms
retards inflammatory reactions
can be used directly to treat burns and insect bites and stings
treats earaches and ear infections
helps prevent altitude sickness
is effective at treating breastfeeding-related mastitis with the added bonus of not introducing antibiotics into baby’s milk
helps babies nurse better
reduces high cholesterol levels
helps control blood sugar levels
lowers high blood pressure
helps prevent ischemic stroke (If you’re concerned about hemorrhagic stroke, avoid anti-clotting herbs.)
helps prevent heart disease and heart attacks
helps prevent angina and congestive heart failure
reduces ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation of cardiac arrhythmia
treats athlete’s foot and other fungal infections
treats vaginal yeast infections (candidiasis), thrush and vaginitis
helps prevent some types of cancer
helps prevent migraines
helps treat both types of herpes virus
treats pinworms, roundworms, giardia (an amoeba) and other parasitic infections
contains more blood-thinnning anticoagulants (9) than any other herb
may help slow physiological aging and age-related memory loss
helps prevent opportunistic infections of AIDS, and may inhibit spread of HIV in the body
helps reduce the leg pain associated with peripheral vascular disease
fights tuberculosis and enhances the action of standard antibiotics in fighting off tuberculosis bacteria
Learn more about how and why garlic is such a nutrition powerhouse in the following resources:
Basic garlic nutrition info
Really in-depth garlic nutrition info (from James A. Duke, Ph.D.)
Keep Cholesterol in Check (from the Mother Earth News Amazin’ Archive)
The Green Pharmacy by Dr. James A. Duke, Ph.D. (Rodale, 1997; available at Mother Earth Shopping)
Dr. Duke’s Essential Herbs by James A. Duke, Ph.D. (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2001)
Garlic: The Science and Therapeutic Application of Allium Sativum and Related Species by Heinrich P. Koch, Ph.D. (Williams & Wilkins, 1996)
10 Essential Herbs for Lifelong Health by Barbara Heller (E-book available from Mother Earth Shopping)
Growing and Using Garlic by Glenn Andrews (E-book available from Mother Earth Shopping)