It’s flu season friends! It’s time to let our inner herbalist free. This is an easy home remedy to brew up, can be made easily with simple household staples, and kept stored in fridge. No need to fret, this recipe is not overwhelming and you can even tailor it to whatever you have at hand. The only three essential ingredients are the lemons, ginger, and honey. Why these three you may ask? Ginger is chock full of immune supporting, healing properties used to treat the common cold, headaches, symptoms of the flu, is anti-inflammatory, etc. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and honey acts as “cough syrup” when sick, aiding with sore throats. These three ingredients together are the holy trinity to combating illnesses. All other ingredients are optional and can be substituted in.
The recipe is yours to play with. Even if you are not sick this flu shot brew is an excellent preventive way to keep your health and wellness stabilized throughout the colder months. Let’s get brewing!
1. Pour water in a pot and bring to a boil.
2. Turn the stove completely off then proceed to add ingredients.
3. Add the lemons, ginger, tea bags, and cinnamon sticks. Cover and let steep for a few hours.
4. Once your steeped brew is room temperature, pour the apple cider vinegar into a pitcher or a large half gallon mason jar.
5. Transfer the tea into the mason jar. You can keep the lemons and ginger in the brew however you should remove the tea bags.
6. Store in the fridge.
Your brew will get stronger the longer it sits as it is technically steeping more. When ready to drink, you can take it as a shot or warm up, and add in a teaspoon or two of raw honey to a cup of tea. This brew honestly is quite strong and does not taste the best, but the health benefits it contains are incredible. Taking just a shot of your freshly made elixir once a day will keep your immune system up and help fight off the common cold via immune-support benefits.
Taylor Goggin is tropical gardener in Florida who gained her skills in cooperative agriculture while work-trading with a World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) program on the Hawaiian Islands. She now grows papaya, banana, avocado, fig, tomatoes, and medicinal herbs to make into inventive plant-based recipes. Connect with Taylor on Instagram, and read all of her MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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