Farmer Yoga: Yoga Festivals Offer Body-Care Immersion

Reader Contribution by Lisa Kivirist and Inn Serendipity
Published on January 30, 2018
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The homesteading lifestyle definitely comes with a long list of pleasures, but also – yes – the occasional pain. After lifting too many straw bales or hauling feed buckets, our muscles and joints often send us reminders that we need to care for that most important tool: our own bodies. As yoga increasingly grows mainstream, consider attending a yoga event such as the San Diego Yoga Festival to learn, try new things and prioritize self-care. In many ways, it’s another facet of ecotourism when you’re on the road.

Growing faster than a zucchini in July, yoga studios have moved from an urban hipster thing to studios popping up across rural America, some now held in a converted barn space or a strawbale structure. According to the 2016 Yoga in America Study Conducted by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance, 37 million Americans practice yoga today – up significantly from 20 million in 2012, citing flexibility, stress relief and fitness as key benefits. Yoga is naturally paired with healthy, fresh, organic foods.

While yoga’s origins reach back to India over 5,000 years ago, its current popularity boom is happening thanks to increased accessibility, from online resources to new studios to educational events popping up across the country. We even offered yoga at our annual Soil Sisters event and regularly see it offered at farming conferences, homesteading fairs and other similar venues.

Curious about yoga and ideas on how to incorporate yoga into your homestead routines? Check out a yoga festival in a city near you, typically a weekend gathering that’s locally organized and showcases various resources and instructors in the area, adding up to a yoga overview immersion for you to check out what might be a good, long term fit.

We did exactly that last winter while escaping the cold of our Wisconsin farmstead and traveled to California and attended the San Diego Yoga Festival. This multi-day event, which will take place March 9 through 12 in 2018, provides a diverse opportunity to try out and experience the yoga lifestyle.

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