Avocado Stone Scrub Recipe

Take your zero-waste lifestyle to the next level by making this scrub from crushed avocado pits!

By Janice Cox
Published on July 15, 2020
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by DailyCurlz.com

Don’t discard that avocado pit (or “stone”) when cooking in the kitchen! It’s rich in the same conditioning ingredients and oils that the fruit contains, and is helpful in removing dead, flaky skin from your body. Simply smash or grind up the fresh stones to use them on their own, or add them to your favorite cleanser for an invigorating all-over body scrub. Yield: 3 to 4 ounces.

Place the cleaned avocado stones inside a clean washcloth or plastic bag. With a small hammer or mallet, crush the stones into pieces about the size of peas. Spread the crushed stones out on a clean plate or cookie sheet, and allow to dry for a few days. They’ll turn a reddish-pink color. When dry, grind the stones into a fine scrub (about the size of coffee grounds) using a food processor or coffee grinder. Again, spread the scrubbing grains out on a plate or cookie sheet, and allow to dry completely. Store the scrub in a clean, airtight container. To use, add a bit of ground avocado stone to your favorite cream or liquid cleanser, and massage into your face to remove dead, flaky skin.

Learn more about natural skin care here!

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