Home-Grown Greens: Recipes Using Greens

By Susan Belsinger And Carolyn Dille
Published on April 1, 1995
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A simple herb and nut sauce enhances the flavor of greens-filled tortelli.
A simple herb and nut sauce enhances the flavor of greens-filled tortelli.
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Sorrel adds a welcome tang to fresh spring salads.
Sorrel adds a welcome tang to fresh spring salads.
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Goldgelber purslane, top, is tart and lemony. The colorful leaves of amaranth have a mild flavor.
Goldgelber purslane, top, is tart and lemony. The colorful leaves of amaranth have a mild flavor.
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Recognize this one? It’s a dandelion, which gets more respect in the kitchen than it does in the lawn.
Recognize this one? It’s a dandelion, which gets more respect in the kitchen than it does in the lawn.
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