How to Wage War on Worms and Coccidia in Goats

Here are 12 simple tips that will help you to fight the war on worms and coccidia in goats.

Reader Contribution by Julia Shewchuk
Published on November 14, 2014
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by AdobeStock/Юлия Завалишина

Do you know that with each beautiful summer rain millions of little worm eggs are being shed by the worms inside your goats to live in your pastures? Do you know that internal parasites cause more goats to die than the total of the next three leading causes of goat deaths combined? Do you want to know how to win the war on worms? So do I and every other goat farmer and producer on this earth.

Many of my fellow goat friends have lost goats this year due to worms, and these people were not just goat newbies. This spring and summer were wet in the south-east and it made living easy, most of all for the worms and coccidia bacteria. These little critters just love the heat, humidity and the rains, in fact it takes rain for them to hatch and to infect your livestock.

Common Goat Parasites

Barber Pole Worm

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