The Best Chicken Coop in the World!

Reader Contribution by Kerry W. Mann, Jr. and Homesteadhow
Published on April 16, 2019
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I know it’s a grandiose claim, but after testing out our Egg Cart’n Chalet from and after trying other options over the years, this clever design ticks all of the boxes for our homestead. My daughter and I made a video unboxing, setting up and revealing this build.

YouTube video

Just a few years back, as rookie homesteaders, one of the first things we did (like many new homesteaders) was build a chicken coop. We ended up building an aesthetically pleasing, heavy duty design, but we missed the mark on so many levels.

First, we way overbuilt our coop. It wasn’t our intention, we used standard construction materials, shingles on the roof, treated plywood, 2x4s, etc, but in the end this thing could withstand a hurricane. What we overlooked was the fact that wood rots. Even though we protected the floor with linoleum the floor still rotted, twice! I’m convinced our chicken’s poo is akin to battery acid!

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