Why You Need Small-Sized Chickens In Your Flock

Reader Contribution by Anna Twitto
Published on January 26, 2022
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Photo by Anna Twitto
A child holding a small chicken.

Beginner backyard chicken keepers often get recommendations for middle-to-large, hardy egg-layers like Rhode Island Reds, Sussex, or Plymouth Rocks. In our years of chicken-keeping, we’ve had many breeds, from bulky but gentle Brahmas to dainty Silkies, but I was always biased in favor of larger breeds. Last spring, with the unexpected gift of a few hatching eggs from a friend, we added some small hybrid chickens to our flock.

Our mini-hens have just started laying (yes, even as the days were at their shortest!) and I absolutely love them. Now I really think every backyard flock keeper, especially urbanites, should consider keeping some small-sized chickens. Here’s why.

Benefits of Raising Small-Sized Chicken Breeds

Space. If you have unlimited space for your chickens to roam, that’s great. But if you live in a town and only have a little strip of space for a coop and a small chicken run, keeping smaller birds will make it less crowded.

Eggs. Small eggs are extremely convenient when you’re halving a recipe and need, for example, 1 ½ egg instead of three, or just need a bit of egg to brush some bread loaves. Small eggs are also extremely flavorful and often have a high yolk-to-white ratio.

Feed. Little chickens eat less. If you rely on commercial feed for your flock, that’s a huge bonus. I’ve often been astonished at how fast Brahmas or RIRs can get through a sack of feed. Smaller chickens also produce less waste, which makes coop upkeep easier.

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