Flea and Tick Control

By Lynn Keiley
Published on August 1, 2002
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Dirt devil vacuum.
Dirt devil vacuum.
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There's no need to use pesticide-infused potions on your pooch. A good soak in mild soap and water will leave Fido flea-free.
There's no need to use pesticide-infused potions on your pooch. A good soak in mild soap and water will leave Fido flea-free.
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You'll be glad to have guineas around the homestead. Besides their love of grasshoppers and other pests, they also have an enormous taste for ticks.
You'll be glad to have guineas around the homestead. Besides their love of grasshoppers and other pests, they also have an enormous taste for ticks.
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Frequent vacuuming controls fleas.
Frequent vacuuming controls fleas.

Learn about non-toxic methods you can use for flea and tick control.

Does flea and tick control have you scratching your head? Keep you and your pals happy with these least-toxic methods.

It’s a barely noticeable sensation, just a whisper of a tickle. You reach to brush away what you expect will be nothing mo re than a fly or stray piece of hair, only to discover a blood-sucking intruder seeking its next meal — on you. What’s disconcerting isn’t the discovery of that first flea or tick, but the creepy crawly feeling that if you’ve found one, many more are lurking nearby to take its place.

If you have animals — and what’s a happy homestead without them — fleas and ticks are an uncomfortable fact of life for you and your pet. More than a nuisance, fleas and ticks can transmit a host of pathogens and skin diseases to humans and their furry counterparts. But you don’t have to risk disease or watch your pets suffer. With a little diligence and the help of some new pest controls, you can get the upper hand during flea-and-tick season.

There are more than 3,000 different species of flea, but here in North America the most common one is Ctenocephalides felis, the cat flea. Despite their name, these fleas are just as happy to reside on your dog.

A flea’s life span goes through four stages. Research has shown about 5 percent of the fleas that infest your home are adults. The bulk of indoor flea populations are made up of pupae (10 percent), larvae (35 percent) and eggs (50 percent). Many common pesticides used to eradicate these pests kill only adult fleas, leaving 95 percent of the flea problem behind to leap up time and again.

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