Benefits of Raising Chickens: Eggs, Meat, Chicken Manure as Fertilizer, and More

Your flock could be the best source of meat, eggs, and homemade fertilizer for plants.

By Patricia Foreman And Cheryl Long
Updated on May 7, 2024
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by Adobestock/trongnguyen

What are the benefits of raising chickens? In a word, poop! Learn how to put chicken manure as fertilizer to use in your garden. 

Fresh, nutritious eggs and homegrown roast chicken dinners are reason enough to raise your own poultry. If you use your chickens in the garden, you can also harvest rich manure to create homemade chicken manure as fertilizer and put your flock to work mixing organic wastes into superb compost. Plus, if you let your birds range on your property, get ready for a big bonus: They’ll provide terrific control of ticks and other pests.

The Cost of Raising Chickens

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