Make basic wire hangers sturdier and more attractive by wrapping them in reused fabric.
Tools and Materials
Several used men’s cotton shirts
Fabric scissors
Wire hangers
Fabric glue
Reused ribbon, optional
1. Cut four 2-inch-wide strips of fabric from the old shirts.
2. Take hanger and one strip of fabric. Place a dot of glue on one end of the fabric and, beginning at the tip of the hanger handle, wind it tightly around the tip of the hanger twice.
3. Wrap the whole handle by winding the fabric, overlapping each time.
4. Keep winding the fabric around the entire hanger. When you reach the end of the first fabric piece, glue the end to the wire. Take another fabric piece, glue the end to where you left off, and continue winding the fabric until you get back to the base of the handle.
5. Place a dot of glue on the end of the piece, and wind it around the finish. For a little added charm, you can use about 6 inches of reused ribbon to tie a bow at the base of the handle.
— Reprinted with permission from Eco-Chic Home by Emily Anderson,