Get to know Chris Lubkemann of Fox Chapel Publishing.
What are you going to speak about at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR?
I’ll talk about my new book Tree Craft, which shows how to take found wood (twigs, branches, hollow stumps, firewood, construction/building scraps, etc.) and make all kinds of useful and decorative objects for home decor and personal use, using simple tools.
What are you most looking forward to sharing with FAIR attendees?
I’ll enjoy sharing the broad possibilities for creative and useful projects that can emerge from a lot of the natural raw material that we find all around us.
Tell us about your background with your particular topic.
Having spent a good part of my youth in the interior parts of Brazil and Peru, and a good part of that time in the outdoors and up in trees, I’ve had a fair amount of experience with the kind of raw material I currently work with.
Why should fairgoers attend your presentation?
To see how much fun they too can have with some simple tools and the natural raw materials all around them.
How will you get to the FAIR, and how far do you have to travel?
I’ll drive from Lancaster, Pa., in my Ford Escort station wagon with my “Country Pitching Machine” anchored to the roof rack. (It’s a 4-foot tall slingshot that sends basketballs 500 feet and pitches 130 miles per hour.) Too much fun!!
What are you most looking forward to at the FAIR?
Sharing what I do and have other folks see that they can enjoy doing it too.
What advice do you have for attendees?
Keep your eyes open to see all kinds of potential all around you!
If you were stranded on a deserted island and could have only one thing, what would you choose?
My wife of 43 years.
Thanks, Chris. We’ll see you at the FAIR!
Please visit the FAIR website for more information about the Seven Springs, Pa. FAIR September 24-25, and upcoming FAIRs in other locations. Tickets are on sale now.
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