We have lived amicably with a nearby family of skunks for many years other than the many divots dug from our lawn — and a handful of other notable incidents. After the first, in which our dog got up close and personal and received a face-full of skunk spray for his efforts to be friendly, we tried various claims for removing skunk odor.
Tomato juice turned our golden dog an embarrassing shade of pink, and he still had a slight odor a year later when damp. The second event was less severe, but we still needed some type of treatment, so we tried this recipe we had read about. It worked, not only improving the dog but also effectively removing the aroma left on the stairs and deck where he waited for us to let him in.
1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
1/4 pound baking soda
Bit of liquid laundry detergent
Mix fresh each time the need arises. Wash the problem areas and rinse well.
Richard Gilbert
Linwood, Nova Scotia