Making an Eco-Friendly Jump Rope

By Kate Blincoe
Published on June 9, 2016
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Make your rope flashy by adding bright materials into the mix.
Make your rope flashy by adding bright materials into the mix.
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Nature needs children and children need nature. “The No-Nonsense Guide for Green Parenting” by Kate Blincoe will help your family live a greener lifestyle and your children will learn to enjoy, appreciate and care for the world around them.
Nature needs children and children need nature. “The No-Nonsense Guide for Green Parenting” by Kate Blincoe will help your family live a greener lifestyle and your children will learn to enjoy, appreciate and care for the world around them.

In The No-Nonsense Guide to Green Parenting (Green Books, 2016) author Kate Blincoe explains that it’s not about being perfect — it’s about giving it a try, feeling the benefits for your family, and having fun while you do it. This guide provides essential advice on food and eating, eco-buying, learning and playing, family-friendly foraging, growing plants and food with your family, green days out, activities and parties, green parenting in the city, and balancing your green ideals in a busy life. Kate’s pragmatic approach will inspire you to balance green living with the realities of raising children. This excerpt describes how an old past-time, skipping rope, can easily be made eco-friendly with recycled materials.

Eco-Friendly Jump Rope

However hard you try, plastic bags have a habit of accumulating. This is a fun way of using them up, but you could also use old T-shirts or jeans. If your child hasn’t mastered skipping yet, then this is perfect for a tug of war.

You will need:

• 12 plastic carrier bags
• scissors

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