Ever take a “just-out-of-the-oven” casserole to a potluck dinner, but have a problem handling the hot dish or keeping it hot? You can use a “hot” box/insulated casserole carrier that’s simple to make and doesn’t cost a cent.
To make a box, select a sturdy, medium-size cardboard box with a lid. (Check to see whether the bottom needs to be reinforced with tape.) Fill it with shredded newspaper. The more paper you use, the more effectively it will insulate. Next, make a nest in the insulation for your covered dish. Have at least 3 inches of insulation on the sides and bottom. Cover the shredded paper with a towel that’s large enough to fold back over the casserole dish. Fill a pillowcase with shredded paper or use a small pillow to set on top of the casserole dish — one that will fit inside the box when the top is closed.
When you’re ready to transport the casserole dish, set it in the nest, fold the cloth over it, place the prepared pillowcase on top and close the lid.
Janet Park
Seattle, Washington