How to Make a Screw Jack

By David E. Johnson
Published on July 1, 1983
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Heavy-duty nuts and bolts come in various lengths and diameters, as this assortment shows. The center bolt has a curved top plate, for specialized uses. In the background, lengths of pipe are welded to base plates. 
Heavy-duty nuts and bolts come in various lengths and diameters, as this assortment shows. The center bolt has a curved top plate, for specialized uses. In the background, lengths of pipe are welded to base plates. 
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Here is a homemade telescoping screw jack—the versatile
Here is a homemade telescoping screw jack—the versatile "high rise" model—on display.
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The screw jack has only one moving part, which does all the work: a nut that travels up the threads of its bolt.
The screw jack has only one moving part, which does all the work: a nut that travels up the threads of its bolt.

The screw jack, one of the simplest and most basic machines ever invented, is a willing workhorse that has helped people time and again, around the homestead, in construction work, and in the field of maintenance. The weight-bracing device may cost anywhere from $10 to $24 (depending on its size) if purchased from a department store or mail-order house. But if you’re adept at scavenging and have access to welding equipment and a heavy-duty drill (or oxyacetylene torch), here’s how to make a screw jack on your own, using materials that are often found lying around in junk piles, free for the taking.

Screw Jack Parts: Nuts and Bolts

The screw jack has only one moving part, which does all the work: a nut that travels up the threads of its bolt. The homemade screw jack is turned with a wrench and consists of six parts: a bolt, a matching nut, a section of pipe, a cap plate, a baseplate, and a top plate (which can be replaced by a nut, if desired).

For most of my jacks, I use Schedule 40 2″ pipe and 1/4″- to 1/2″-thick steel plate cut into 3″ or 4″ squares. When it comes to the nut and bolt, the idea is “the bigger, the sturdier,” especially on heavy jobs such as house leveling. For my last model, I used a 6″-long, 1″-diameter bolt with 10 threads per inch. [EDITOR’S NOTE: In high-load situations, an acme-threaded bolt–generally used for power transmissions–would be the preferred choice…but you’d need to find a matching nut.] I found the pipe and steel plate in a scrap pile behind a local machine shop. You should be able to scrounge such material from similar places or else purchase it inexpensively at a junkyard.

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