Handmade, Homemade Soap Recipes: Simply Lavender Soap

By Recebba Ittner
Published on November 11, 2010
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Photo Courtesy Lark Crafts
Dried lavender flowers look like little pods when added to soap.

The following is an excerpt from Soapmaking the Natural Way: 45 Melt-and-Pour Recipes Using Herbs, Flowers and Essential Oils by Rebecca Ittner (Lark Crafts, 2010). This excerpt is part of Chapter 4: Luxuriate. 

Perhaps the easiest recipe in this book, the Simply Lavender soap is perfect for the first-time soap maker. Dried lavender flowers look like little pods when added to soap. If you prefer a more textured look, crush the flowers using a mortar and pestle. Gently crushing the flowers also releases fragrance and will make the soaps more heavily scented. Yields six bars.


1 teaspoon lavender essential oil
2 teaspoons dried lavender flowers
1 pound olive oil melt-and-pour suspension soap

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