Quick Garden Hose Repair: Pinhole Fix

Reader Contribution by Pam Dawling
Published on April 30, 2018
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by Adobe Stock/Luca Pape

Save water and time with this easy garden hose repair. Patch pinholes and small hose leaks using parts and tools you probably have at home.

Sometimes, a garden hose will spring a pinhole. Every leak reduces the amount of water reaching our plants, or increases the time we have to spend watering to give the plants enough. In hot, dry weather, time spent watering is at a premium! Leaky hoses can waste a lot of water in one growing season! We need ways to get leaky hoses back in action quickly. Here’s a way to quickly repair hose pinholes, using parts you likely already have in your shed.

If you’re dealing with larger holes, or lengthwise cracks, cut out the damaged portion and see my August 2017 post Step-by-Step Garden Hose Repairs. If it’s a very small hole, you likely have been questioning whether it’s worth the time to cut the hose and fit a repair coupling. Here’s an alternative (with no cutting) that’s very quick to do.

Plastic hose repair clamps often last longer than the inserts. I hope you kept some clamps. Maybe you don’t have as impressive a collection as I do, but you only need one for each repair. The other item you need is a piece of inner tube. Tools needed are a permanent marker to circle the pinhole before you lose sight of it, scissors to cut the inner tube, and a Phillips screwdriver for the clamp.

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