Make a DIY Necklace

By Stephen O'Keeffe
Updated on August 22, 2022
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by AdobeStock/Train arrival

The Slipknot Necklace

Make your selection of beads and thread them onto a length of cord, in this case 1 mm leather. Tie a loose overhand knot on one end of the cord, and pass the other end of the cord through it. Tighten the knot just enough to allow the cord to slip through it to form a noose. Draw the noose to the size which will pass easily over the wearer’s head. Tie the loose end of the cord to the far side of the first knot, using the same overhand knot.

It will now be possible to pull on each knotted end, to shorten the necklace, leaving the knots lying at either side of the neck. A knot tied on each end after the slipknot will prevent the cord from slipping through the fingers.

The slipknot system can, of course, be used back to front, the double section of the cord passing through the pendant so that the slipknots lie out of sight at the back of the neck.

This kind of work can be confusing, so practice first with string; one end of this length has been dyed to make it easier to see how the system works.

This excerpt has been reprinted with permission from Stephen O’Keefe’s Practical Jewelry-Making Techniques: Problem Solving, published by Firefly Books, 2012.

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