Corner Media Unit With Television Mounted by Adam Bearup
My wife created a “honey-do” list for me quite a while ago, and my schedule never allowed me to get started on that list. Like many other people in our country, I have found myself working from home more than I had in the past. One of the big items on the list is to clean the barn — and that got me thinking about the other line items on the list.
The Need for a Corner Media Unit
As I looked at the different projects that would require me to build stuff, I immediately thought about all of the material that I had accumulated throughout my building career and how using that material to build stuff would be better than just throwing it out.
My wife approached me about how dangerous it was that our television was on top of an old, unstable book shelf. We do not have cable or satellite channels, and all of our television watching is with DVDs. Our two-year-old enjoys switching out DVDs constantly and that was making my wife nervous because the area looked like tragedy could strike at any minute.
Given the choice to either stay inside and watch the Earth Shelter Documentary again or go out to the barn and see if we had the materials to build a new corner media unit, I chose the latter. For fun, I took along the video camera and filmed the process.
Repurposing Walnut Boards from the Barn
In this video, you will see what it took to take re-purposed material in the barn and turn it into a custom corner media unit. I was fortunate enough to find a few old walnut boards in one of our outbuildings that became a beautiful top for the corner unit.
In the video, I show you every step of the process, even how to take old, worn out boards and breathe new life into them! I also show you how to build custom cabinet doors without a workshop full of cabinet-making tools!
I used a circular saw for most of my intricate cuts and it looks like I used more tools than I actually did. Watch this video for fun or for learning and please subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you can see when all of my honey-do project videos get uploaded.

Adam D. Bearup is a designer, green builder and farmer, who learned about biodynamic and regenerative farming for a project he built in Northern Michigan, The Earth Shelter Project Michigan. Adam has degrees in marketing and management and a Masters of Science in Green Building. Read all of his MOTHER EARTH NEWS postshere.
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