Build A Grow Light Setup For Seedlings

Want to build your own DIY indoor grow light stand? This simple grow light setup for seedlings is low-cost and can be made with some common materials.

By Kurt Jacobson
Updated on December 23, 2024
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by AdobeStock/MeganBetteridge

Want to build your own DIY indoor grow light stand? This simple grow light setup for seedlings is low-cost and can be made with some common materials.

If growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers indoors has been a dream of yours, now’s the time to make it a reality. Once you get a good grow-light table in your home, you can cultivate a multitude of crops. No matter what time of year it is or what the weather’s like outside, you’ll be in control. Grow starter plants for spring planting, microgreens for salads, flowers to brighten your (or someone else’s) day, or herbs for using in your kitchen all year long.

I visited Scott and Susan Hill on their thriving vegetable and flower farm in Louisa, Virginia, to research Scott’s indoor growing table — a low-cost system that doesn’t require an engineering degree to build or use. Scott and Susan start hundreds of plants for their high tunnels throughout the year by placing seed trays on three indoor tables of Scott’s design; each can hold up to 10 seed trays. Scott uses inexpensive PVC pipe for the framework, wire shelving, ordinary 2-foot and 4-foot shop-light fixtures, and fluorescent bulbs.

 Most people think it’s necessary to use special grow lights for starting plants and growing indoors long term. Scott and Susan convinced me that it’s possible to skip the expensive grow lights and simply use regular fluorescent bulbs. At Hill Farm, they get excellent results, making me a believer in this low-cost method.

Build a Grow Light Setup for Seedlings

To build your own indoor grow-light table, you’ll need the following materials:

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