Fluorescent Plant Light for Starting Seeds

Fluorescent plant lighting indoors is more efficient for starting seeds and sprouts inside.

Reader Contribution by Barbara Pleasant
Updated on October 3, 2024
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by Adobestock/Stephen

What are the best grow lights for starting seeds indoors? Learn about the benefits of fluorescent plant light and what fluorescent bulbs for growing and starting seeds indoors are best.

Suitable supplemental lighting is better for starting seeds than the light coming through most windows would be. A setup of lights will allow you to grow a much wider range of vegetable varieties, which will make your garden even more interesting and fun. Until recently, most seed starters used inexpensive fluorescent T12 shop lights, with the height of the lights adjusted so the plants were very close to the bulbs — within a half-inch for full-sun plants, such as tomatoes and peppers.

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What Fluorescent Bulbs for Growing are Best?

But two new and better choices, T8 and T5 bulbs, are now available. In fluorescent-light lingo, the “T” stands for “tube,” and the number represents the bulb’s diameter. Old-line T12 fluorescent bulbs are still cheap and easy to find, but for a few dollars more per bulb, you could upgrade to more slender T8 bulbs, which are up to 40 percent more efficient. Plants get plenty of light when grown within 2 inches beneath T8 bulbs. You can usually find a 4-foot-long, Energy Star-certified, two-bulb T8 fixture at retail stores for about $20, plus another $10 for the bulbs.

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