Ric Bohy

By Staff
Updated on March 5, 2013
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Ric Bohy 

is a writer, editor, broadcaster and media consultant with a truly multimedia career since his start in Detroit journalism more than 40 years ago. He owns Words & Deeds, Inc., an editorial freelance company, now his fulltime occupation.

Earlier professional adventures included serving as editor of the award-winning city magazine, HOUR Detroit, for nine years. Ric was one of its creators, as well as editorial director for HOUR Media LLC and its varied publications. As with an earlier post as senior editor of Detroit Monthly magazine, Ric also served as HOUR’s chief food and restaurant critic, earning two national gold medals for food writing as well as several local awards for the same work.

Technically, Ric’s first food writing was a prize-winning investigative series for The Detroit News, exposing the spoilage or waste of more than 250 tons of federal surplus food entrusted to the City of Detroit during the administration of Mayor Coleman A. Young. What began with a copyboy’s job at The News turned into nearly 15 years of reporting for the newspaper.

Ric’s assignments included City Hall, where he investigated and covered several corruption scandals; the courts – city, state and federal; crime; and general assignments, specializing in disaster coverage, including the eruption of Mt. St. Helen’s, the Mexico City earthquakes of 1985, and the crash of Northwest Flight 255 at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. He both began and ended his reporting at the newspaper on its investigative projects team.

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