Nick Zigelbaum, Small-Scale Dairy Producer and Farmer
Name: Nick Zigelbaum
Occupation: Farmer, Laboratory Director at Bob-White Systems Dairy Laboratory
Place of Residence: Chelsea, Vermont
Background and Personal History: Nick has been raising livestock for five years from the too-hot hills of North Carolina to the frozen slopes of Vermont. Nick joined Bob-White Systems in 2014 to expand the laboratory and provide inexpensive and accessible laboratory testing for small-scale farms across the country. With a background in environmental advocacy, mechanical engineering, and agriculture, Nick feels right at home working to bring sound science to the emerging micro-dairy market. He and his partner, Kate, own Longest Acres Farm in Chelsea, Vermont, where they produce Animal Welfare-Approved raw cow’s and goat’s milk, beef and lamb to feed themselves, support their homestead, and provide for their local community.
Current Projects: Currently Nick is improving the infrastructure of his budding beef and lamb business while simultaneously tending to the lab at Bob-White Systems. Nick and his wife Kate manage their farm with an emphasis on intense rotational, biodiverse grazing of cows, sheep, pigs and chickens.
Other Fun Facts: Nick started the only hunting club in San Francisco and championed the first green building code for the state of California.
More Places to Find Nick on the Web:
Photo bySavanah Loftus