Jo deVries, Off-Grid Home Designer, Mason, and Candle Maker in Ontario | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

By Jo Devries
Updated on April 6, 2020
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Jo deVries, Off-Grid Designer, Artisan, and Hobby Farmer in Ontario

Residence: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Self-employed designer, writer, photographer, knitwear designer, card maker, beeswax candle maker, landscaper, mason, farmer and gardener. “Jill of all trades, master of few.”

Background: Jo, or “Jo of the Woods”, was born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, but has since left the city for life in the backwoods.  Determined to understand what it means to live simply, Jo designed and built her own home, where she and her son, Jordan, have enjoyed a pioneer-type lifestyle without electricity.

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