Claire Huttlinger, Local Food Systems Advocate
Occupation: Teacher, translator
Residence: Florence, Massachusetts
Background: Born and raised in suburban New York, Claire spent most of her twenties living and in Spain teaching English and studying literature and translation. Later, after moving to rural Massachusetts, she earned degrees from Smith College and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and also survived an encounter with cancer. Since then, she has built a life with a wonderful wife and daughters, while teaching, translating, and raising chickens and sheep for fun.
Current Projects: As a cancer survivor and mother of two children with disabilities, Claire is passionate about accessible, quality healthcare, and a strong community. Much of her free time is dedicated to educating people about single-payer healthcare and ranked-choice voting. Thanks to this work, she has spent many hours in recent years at farmer’s markets, talking to shoppers about healthcare and voting. She soon developed an attachment to the markets, buying more and more of her weekly food there. She began to wonder if one could shop exclusively at farmer’s markets (or almost).
Connect with Claire at
Photo by Fátima Daniela Pineda-Amaya