Annie Kelley, Midwest Homesteader and Real Food Cook
Name: Annie Kelley
Occupation: Householder
Place of Residence: Bunker Hill, Illinois
Background and Personal History: Annie is a Midwesterner with a penchant for travel. She has lived in the Pacific Northwest and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Annie is married to a wonderful man who loves cats and provides all the muscle she needs for digging compost into her nine garden beds every year. She also has a grown son and is retired (but works harder now than she ever has before at her various homesteading projects — and I love it).
Current Projects: Annie is working on a cookbook for eating out of her pantry throughout the year and teaches miscellaneous workshops at the La Vista Ecological Center.
Other Fun Facts: Annie was a subscriber to the Mother EARTH NEWS waaaaaaaay back in the early seventies. She has a lasagna garden. Ruth Stout is her hero.