4. Choosing Perennial Plants

Noreen Thomas
Doubting Thomas Farms, Real Organic Project
Plant perennials this year, and till less next year! Learn how perennials like flax can contribute to overall soil health without detracting from profits.
Up Next
5. Choosing Multipurpose Crops
Meet what Noreen Thomas calls a "plant of the future." Learn what makes sunflowers such a versatile crop for organic farmers.
Noreen Thomas

6. Composting Methods for Farmers
What composting method is best for you? Adrian Hyde gives tips on how to create enough compost for your farm.
Adrian Hyde

7. Diversifying Your Small Farm
You know that growing a variety of crops is better for your soil, but how does diversifying your farm benefit your business? Adrian Hyde shares…
Adrian Hyde

8. Why Choose Soy- & Corn-Free Feed?
What's in your eggs? Chloe Nevarez shares why (and how) her family farm made the change from conventional to soy- and corn-free chicken feed.
Chloe Nevarez

9. How to Grow Cucumbers in a High Tunnel
How do you grow cucumbers? Take a tour with Becca Carlson through the cucumber high tunnel at Seeds Farm. She covers growing and trellising strategies,…
Becca Carlson

10. High Tunnel Harvest Trolley
Harvest smarter by constructing a trolley that runs the length of your high tunnel. Jacob Helling of Twin Organics demonstrates how their high tunnel trolley…
Jacob Helling

11. Organic Seed Starting Scaled Up
Efficiently sow more seedlings for your organic farm with these tools. Jacob Helling and his brother Andrew Helling demonstrate the electric Speedy Seeder and Media…
Jacob Helling

12. DIY "Veggie-Veyor" for Small Farms
Reduce the impact of the heavy lifting required on your small farm with this DIY "Veggie-Veyor."
Jacob Helling

15. How to Sun Dry Fruit in Bulk
Increase the value of otherwise unsellable produce by drying them for small package or bulk sale. Blossom Bluff Orchards shares how they've been harnessing the…
Bryce Loewen