Noreen Thomas

Noreen Thomas

Doubting Thomas Farms, Real Organic Project

A resident of Moorhead, Minnesota, Noreen Thomas is a volunteer educator, producer, and former Bush Fellow whose work in the community is based on the belief that knowledge shared with others can collectively aid in resolving our world's hunger problems.

Noreen, who holds a bachelor's of science in Food and Nutrition from North Dakota State University, shows her ongoing commitment to agricultural education through the countless volunteer hours she spends working with children and youth on projects throughout Missouri, Minnesota and Montana. She has taught children the Junior Master Gardener program, worked with youth and adults to plan, plant, tend and harvest organic vegetables for local buyers and written agricultural curriculum.

Since 1997, Noreen and her husband, Lee, have been certified-organic producers, farming 1,200 acres of grains, feed and beans for domestic as well as foreign markets.

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