Solar-Powered Water Pumps for Livestock

By Jeffrey R. Yago
Published on September 19, 2017
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This solar-powered pumping system provides water for an 80-acre farm.
This solar-powered pumping system provides water for an 80-acre farm.
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William O'Neal Jamison received a cost-share grant for his solar pump system, which provides consistent water for his cattle, even during times of drought.
William O'Neal Jamison received a cost-share grant for his solar pump system, which provides consistent water for his cattle, even during times of drought.
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William O'Neal Jamison's solar-powered pump system also allowed him to direct cattle away from their previous water source, a small dugout pond that's home to the California tiger salamander, which is endangered in that area.
William O'Neal Jamison's solar-powered pump system also allowed him to direct cattle away from their previous water source, a small dugout pond that's home to the California tiger salamander, which is endangered in that area.
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Solar pumps are a good option for providing water to remote pastures.
Solar pumps are a good option for providing water to remote pastures.
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The wiring diagram above shows the very simple connections required to wire a 24-volt pump to two solar modules, each having a 12-volt nominal output. If you’ll be using a 12-volt pump, or a lower flow is acceptable using a dual-voltage 12- to 24-volt pump, the connections will be the same, except only one 12-volt solar module would be used.
The wiring diagram above shows the very simple connections required to wire a 24-volt pump to two solar modules, each having a 12-volt nominal output. If you’ll be using a 12-volt pump, or a lower flow is acceptable using a dual-voltage 12- to 24-volt pump, the connections will be the same, except only one 12-volt solar module would be used.
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Float switches save water and help prevent overflowing stock tanks.
Float switches save water and help prevent overflowing stock tanks.
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Utilizing a large stock tank will offer more backup water-storage capacity to carry your livestock through multiple days of limited pumping due to cloudy weather.
Utilizing a large stock tank will offer more backup water-storage capacity to carry your livestock through multiple days of limited pumping due to cloudy weather.
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This table outlines the amount of head loss you can expect per 100 feet of PVC pipe of a given diameter.
This table outlines the amount of head loss you can expect per 100 feet of PVC pipe of a given diameter.
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Adequate flow velocities are highlighted in green, while flow velocities that are too low to carry sand or gravel picked up by the pump are highlighted in red.
Adequate flow velocities are highlighted in green, while flow velocities that are too low to carry sand or gravel picked up by the pump are highlighted in red.
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For more detailed information on livestock water quantity and quality requirements, contact your state extension office.
For more detailed information on livestock water quantity and quality requirements, contact your state extension office.

While it’s not unusual for farmers and ranchers to let their animals drink from a creek, pond, or other surface water source, many are switching to alternative methods of supplying drinking water to their livestock. Solar-powered water pumps are easy to install and are a very reliable way to pump water from a well to a ground-level stock tank, or from a surface source of water up to a higher elevation. Some government agencies will even provide cash grants to farmers and ranchers if they agree to fence off grazing lands from nearby creeks and streams and install an alternative means of water provision, such as a well that uses solar-powered pumping methods.

Solar Pump System Components

The most basic form of solar pumping consists of a small direct-current (DC) solar pump, a pump controller, one or more solar modules, a replacement well cap, electrical wiring, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping. Anyone who can use a screwdriver and pipe wrench should be able to assemble a solar pump kit. These systems are very basic. They don’t require power inverters or batteries, and working with 12- or 24-volt DC power is safer than connecting a 240-volt alternating-current (AC) pump to the electrical grid.

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