What Winter Survival Camping Taught Me About Homesteading (Video)

Reader Contribution by Kerry W. Mann, Jr. and Homesteadhow
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As a homesteader who came from the city with zero skills, I fail at homesteading every day. But I’m always trying to learn more and advance. With the craziness of 2020 (plus five females under my roof) and a yearning for adventure, I decided it was time to get out of the house to see if I could survive a cold winter night in January sleeping on the snowy floor of our pine forest — without a tent. I also created a video documenting this adventure below.

I purchased a zero-degree sleeping bag and started my planning and preparing. Most normal people camp in the summertime, but we just have too many homestead chores and animals to care for that we don’t have enough time in summer for much.

Winter is usually fairly busy on our homestead keeping our outdoor wood burner stoked, but for the first time in five years, we decided to skip a year and use only our indoor woodstove with the goal of finally getting caught up on our firewood stockpiles while also allowing enough time for it to all dry out properly. In short, I have more time for an adventure like this in winter.

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