Thoughts on the Value of Wildlife and Wild Places

Reader Contribution by Randy Haviland
Published on January 25, 2017
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To me, this is a hard question. Determining the value of wildlife and wild places is something that has gone undefined and continues to be undefined. It is relatively easy to place value on every day objects such as a cup of coffee or a car, even placing value on housing is significantly easier then something like wildlife. This issue is constantly debated — it is like we are engaged in a constant tug of war battle with no end in sight.

The ability to take a walk down to the river in a stunning valley and have the opportunity to cross paths with a passing tmber wolf or grizzly bear, or hear the bugle of an elk echo though the ghostly pine flats, is something hard to place a value on. This experience to some is priceless, to connect and share a moment with our neighbors is a fundamental experience in which the purest feelings and emotions are felt: excitement, fear, respect, wonder are experienced at once.

To see wildlife and share a fleeting moment is prized by many outdoor enthusiasts, but is it necessary for one to directly experience wildlife and wild places to place high value on it.

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