The “Sky Calendar” includes a number of worthy sights in February and March 1994. The planet Mars is not well placed for observation (although it is paired closely with Saturn on March 14). Early in February you have some good opportunities to view Mercury and Saturn low on the horizon at dusk, and at dawn in early to mid-March Mercury is visible again. Late in February you can see Delta, Gama, and Epsilon at night. Jupiter is visible at night late in March. Sky watchers who want the schedule of full moons should consult the “Almanac Table.” It mentions several by their wonderfully evocative names.
Almanac for February and March 1994
February 1994
1 Mercury, Saturn conjunction.
2 Candlemas; Groundhog Day.
3 Last Quarter Moon, 3:06 Am.
4 Mercury at greatest eastern elongation in evening sky.
5 Halfway point of winter.
10 New Moon, 9:30 A.M.; Chinese New Year 4692 (Year of the Dog).
12 Lincoln’s Birthday.
14 St. Valentine’s Day.
15 Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras).
16 Ash Wednesday (Lent begins and continues until Easter, which is April 3 this year); Sun enters constellation Aquarius.
18 First Quarter Moon, 12:47 p.m.; Sun enters astrological sign Pisces.
21 President’s Day.
22 Washington’s Birthday.
25 Full Moon (Snow Moon or Hurler Moon), 8:15 PM.
March 1994
4 Last Quarter Moon, 11:53 A.M.
11 Sun eaters the constellation Pisces.
12 New Moon, 3:05 Am.; very low in the west, ultra thin “young” moon, 16 hours past New Moon at sunset on the East Coast.
13 Mothering Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent, a brief lessening of Lent in which boys can go back to visit their mothers).
14 Mars-Saturn conjunction.
17 St. Patrick’s Day.
18 Mercury at greatest western elongation in dawn sky but not very high in U.S.
19 The swallows return to San Juan Capistrano.
20 Vernal Equinox 8:28 P.m.; First Quarter Moon, 7:14 Am.; Sun embers astrological sir Aries let the equinox).
22 Indian (Sake) New Year 1916.
24 Mercury, Saturn conjunction.
25 Feast of the Annunciation, or Lady Day (The angel Gabriel tells Mary she will give birth to Jesus.)
27 Palm Sunday; Passover; Full Moon (Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, or Sap Moon), 6:09 Am.
29 Moon rises in south-southeast, directly below Jupiter, several hours after sunset