R. Buckminster Fuller: Designer of the Geodesic Dome and the World Game

By Allan Richards
Published on May 1, 1971
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A Plowboy interview with R. Buckminster Fuller, designer of the geodesic dome.
A Plowboy interview with R. Buckminster Fuller, designer of the geodesic dome.
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Designer, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, designer, architect and cartographer R. Buckminster
Designer, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, designer, architect and cartographer R. Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller.

A Plowboy Interview with R. Buckminster Fuller, designer of the geodesic dome. Fuller talks about his philosophy on which he based his now-famous World Game.

R. Buckminster Fuller: Designer of the Geodesic Dome and the World Game

R. Buckminster Fuller has been called the genius of the Twentieth Century and the Leonardo Da Vinci of our time. Chiefly famous for his geodesic dome (the most economical way of enclosing space and a viable solution to the long sought low-cost, self-built housing), Fuller has also scored other outstanding successes as a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, designer, architect, cartographer and creator of such principles as synergetics, tensegrity and ephemeralization.

Bucky” — as he’s fondly known by all his friends — believes in “doing more with less” and that man can solve all the physical problems of his existence — can, in fact, live in a world of maximum abundance — through the proper utilization of information and energy. This is the philosophy on which he has based his now famous World Game.

Fuller recently conducted several seminars at the New York Studio School in New York City’s Greenwich Village. Allan Richards was there with questions about World Game, how it originated and where it may lead.

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