Tips for First-Time Campers

With a bit of preparation and some durable supplies, spending time out in nature and away from the “rat race” can be refreshing and relaxing.

By Joseph Neel
Updated on April 17, 2023
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by Flickr/Granger Meador
Current River, where the author camps, is fed by cold springs and stays cool year-round. These tips for first-time campers include using cold river water or river stones to keep your food items cooler.

These tips for first-time campers include ideas for what to take camping and tactics for respecting and savoring nature once you’ve ventured out.

Nature provides for us in a variety of ways, whether we recognize these gifts or not. But nature isn’t just there for us to exploit. By following these tips for first-time campers, anyone can engage with nature in a more grateful way. There’s nothing to it but to do it!

These days, it’s a high priority for some people to simply get out and get in touch with nature. It can be therapeutic to spend time away from technology and in the company of the relaxing sounds and fresh scents of the outdoors, if you’re willing to lace up tight and venture out into the splendor.

Nurtured by Nature

If you can accept nature as it is, it can work in your favor. If gravity is on your side, you’ll have to do much less “work.” Dry fallen limbs, trees, or driftwood can help you stay warm. You can also sit on wood or place wood underneath your equipment so nothing gets damp.

After putting out fires, simply dump leftover ashes on the coals to make sure the fire is out; this is especially effective when the ashes are still damp from morning dew.

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