Citizen Scientists Monitor and Map

Reader Contribution by Yardmap Network
Published on May 6, 2015
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology citizen-scientists are apart of a community working to understand, protect, and support birds. Are you a citizen-scientist?  Read on to learn about my own journey with this important work:

I love birds, I always have. I remember when I was a child and we went to visit the Beech Forest in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. As we walked along the boardwalk, chickadees, cardinals, and titmice would follow us along the paths, chirping and calling. One time a Black-capped Chickadee landed on a tree branch right next to my head, and as I turned to look, our eyes locked and I was mesmerized forever.

Today, in my backyard, I do everything I can to attract and protect birds. Or, so I thought. Last year I started NestWatch at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology as a citizen-scientist and discovered that I have nesting robins, wrens and bluebirds in my backyard. Unfortunately, I found that two out of the three nests failed to fledge babies and the robin nest only fledged one offspring from the four eggs that hatched. What was wrong? Why was I attracting birds with all my native habitat, but not able to help them reproduce?  Perhaps I was missing an important piece of being an effective citizen-scientist?

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