Natural Fabric Deodorizer Spray

Wondering how to make your own DIY natural fabric spray? This natural fabric deodorizer spray is perfect for those things you don't wash very often like your curtains, couch cushions or even jeans.

Reader Contribution by The Old School
Updated on December 18, 2023
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by AdobeStock/Mila Naumova
Wondering how to make your own DIY natural fabric spray? This natural fabric deodorizer spray is perfect for those things you don’t wash very often like your curtains, couch cushions or even jeans.

There are some things that you just aren’t going to wash very often, like your curtains, couch cushions, and probably even your favorite jeans. To spare the air, concoct a simple essential oil-infused linen spray, and spritz away until your definition of what “clean” smells like shifts permanently.


  • 30 drops lavender, rose, or jasmine essential oil
  • 3 oz isopropyl alcohol
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