After the snow had finally melted and all of the logs were peeled by mid-April, we took the next step and started to choose the right sill logs. To get a better idea on how long the logs were and which diameter they had, Frank measured them and wrote down everything. This would make picking the right logs a lot easier.
Don’t wonder about the “Genglish” (German/English).
Creating a Level Cutting Place
The next thing was to create a nice level work place and more challenging, to figure out a way to get a really strait cut over the complete length of the log without having a sawmill or any other kind of pre-assembled system to place the chainsaw mill on top of.
So Frank started cutting and assembling leftover pieces of wood to create some kind of adjustable height supports
And then it was just a matter of patience of placing these on the uneven surface, locking and leveling them
Two boards were fastened on top for guidance
And then it was just starting and giving it a try hoping for the best
We were really surprised and happy with the result
Setting the First Log
For better protection of the sill side of the log which would lie on a pressure treated board mounted on top of the concrete foundation wall, we decided to paint tar on it to protect the wood against moisture and prevent rotting.
And some holes for the rebar bars had to be drilled
On May 1st we set down the first sill log and couldn’t have been any happier now having officially started off with our log home building project!
Next time: Wood Bugs and Black Flies become a Real Nuisance
Manuela and Frank Mueller packed a container in 2016, grabbed their four-legged companion and not even 1 ½ years after leaving Nova Scotia, arrived at their new home: a wooded 50-acre lot with nothing on it but trees and 1.6-kilometer waterfront. They are building their DIY log home themselves and living off the grid. Follow Manuela and Frank on Restless Roots and Facebook.
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