Geothermal Heat Pumps: How We Installed Our Green Alternative to Fuel Oil Heating

Reader Contribution by Allison Ehrman
Published on October 15, 2018
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Removing an old fuel oil tank from yard.
Photo by Steve Ehrman

During summer 2018, my husband and I began searching for a home out in the country. For 10 years, we had raised our two sons in a kid-friendly townhouse neighborhood in the exurbs of Northern Maryland, and we were ready for a change. We had become known as the weird neighbors who insisted on raising vegetables in a garden that ran all the way around our end-unit home, and we had come to realize what we really wanted was a large yard with a full garden.

After our youngest son graduated from high school, we found our dream house. Built in 1977, this place was beautiful on the outside and had many new updates on the inside. But the best part was that it sat on an almost 2-acre lot with lots of open space, and was surrounded by large trees on all four sides. It was love at first sight.

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