How to Tell Which Businesses Are Eco-Friendly

Reader Contribution by David Glenn
Published on September 18, 2013
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When it comes to supporting companies, it’s been said that every dollar is a vote. When you do business with someone, you are indirectly condoning their methods. If you purchase an Apple computer product, you are sending the message that you believe that the inhumane labor practices that Apple uses in developing nations are worth the low cost and high availability of your new iPad. If you use General Electricappliances, you are sending the message that you condone tax evasion. And when you do business with a company that doesn’t follow green practices, then you are demonstrating your compliance with corporations that choose profit over sustainability and conservation.

On the other hand, if you work with businesses that do their part to protect the earth, you’re showing your support for a greener future. For example, if you were to purchase emergency food storage supplies through, you’re rewarding them for their sound environmental practices and eco-friendly products. “But wait,” you say, “I don’t know which companies are eco-friendly and which aren’t; I’m not consciously condoning anything.” Well, that excuse may have been viable a few decades ago, but with access to the internet, anyone can do a little research and see which businesses are living up to our high expectations.

Here are a few tips on how you can check up on your favorite companies to see just how green they really are.

1. Do an internet search

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