Angus Wyman Macdonald: Professional Earth Sheltered Architecture

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on January 1, 1981
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The Bresee house incorporates several features of earth-sheltered architecture, among them a large front room that gains solar heat through south-facing double-paned windows.
The Bresee house incorporates several features of earth-sheltered architecture, among them a large front room that gains solar heat through south-facing double-paned windows.
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All windows are shielded in the summer by overhangs and are ready for the application of another glazing layer in the winter.
All windows are shielded in the summer by overhangs and are ready for the application of another glazing layer in the winter.
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The architect, Angus Wyman Macdonald, in a contemplative moment.
The architect, Angus Wyman Macdonald, in a contemplative moment.
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Steel joists brace reinforced concrete block walls in the under-construction McLain house.
Steel joists brace reinforced concrete block walls in the under-construction McLain house.
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Drains help release water that might otherwise be trapped on the roof.
Drains help release water that might otherwise be trapped on the roof.
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From the north side, the Bresee house is quite inconspicuous. Note the three skylights, which provide outside light to the bathroom and the two bedrooms.
From the north side, the Bresee house is quite inconspicuous. Note the three skylights, which provide outside light to the bathroom and the two bedrooms.

Through an unfortunate set of circumstances, many people
have come to assume that architects (and architecture) have
little to do with the construction of dwellings within
reach of the budgets of average families. Instead, we often
assume that such artists design spectacular and expensive

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